Home SchoolLayer 38

Guardian Assurance

Group Coverage for Schools

+ Same-Day Emergency Contact Service

A 100% reliable single-point of contact for students, including same-day pickup in 3-6 hours*, hotel accommodations and certified Chaperones to provide 24-hr care for their unique situation.

Request Same-Day Service 24/7

Families covered under any group plan have access to all SHA services and programs at no additional cost per-month
*Individual services billed separately when needed or requested

Private Transportation

car pick up

Guardian Services

emergency shield

Hospitality + Holiday Breaks


An automated platform to verify individual student guardians

HINT: Use this tool to help determine how many students need a guardian each year

Send requirements directly to parents and guardians
View driving distances from campus on map
Improve overall reliability of guardian information
100% automated process for families and school

Select Group Size:

Click "Get Started" to register for next year

(No payment required)


1-Year Included FREE

12-month term required. Total monthly fee based on # of students included in plan during current month

Additional sign-up fee required after June 1
Last day to register: August 15

Manage + Add Students

Import through CSV and access your secure dashboard to send reminders to families and verify registration progress


*Last call for same-day emergency pickup: 6pm local time
Any situation involving mental health requires prior assessment and written clearance from the school
School is responsible for submitting Emergency Release form and providing instructions for appropriate care needed