Off-Campus Coverage
For Boarding Students

    + Same-Day Emergency Contact Service

In partnership with:

  • Private Transportation

  • Holiday Break Programs

  • Guardian Services

Customize Your Plan!

Membership Includes:

SHA Logo Final

+ Same-Day Emergency Contact Service

Parents can list SHA as their primary (or optional*) emergency contact at school and access same-day services if their student needs to leave campus due to medical, mental health or other emergency.

First 24-hrs included FREE with all memberships!

Students are cared for by certified, professional Chaperones (assigned at the time of service) who are pre-screened, background checked in advance, and trained for each unique situation.

*Members have the option to list "SHA" as their emergency contact (or guardian) at school.  Chaperones are assigned when services are needed based on the type of care required.

Choose Your Services!

Add only what your student needs during the year

Selected during membership sign-up

Member feedback:

Families, Schools & Agents

Coverage for individual students, or multiple group sizes!


Customized membership to fit your needs!


Available for 25-26 AY


Partnership opportunities available now!

Youth Mental Health

Students who need a Mental Health Break during the year will be cared for by a Chaperone who is certified in youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) and can also access virtual therapy programs through Charlie Health
(only available in certain states)

The SHA Mobile App

Now its even easier to book services and
stay notified about every emergency or service
that's provided to your students during the year.


Stay Connected

  • Book services
  • Notifications
  • Permission Slips
  • Health Logs
  • and More!

Loomis Chaffee School - CT

The Masters School logo

The Master's School - NY

Hebron Logo

Hebron Academy - ME

Santa Catalina logo

Santa Catalina School - CA

Local Guardian + Premium Support

SHA is a professional "Guardian" and Concierge Service
designed for students who want access to premium
off-campus accommodations and first class care.


Same Day Pick Up + Off-Campus Care

Our trained Chaperones create a warm, comfortable, "like-home" experience for students when they stay with us, especially during difficult situations requiring emergency medical or mental health care.


Hotel Suites + Homestays

Book and reserve any # of nights at locations across
the U.S. Connect with SHA members from other schools
and share new experiences!


100% Reliable, Available 24/7

SHA will act immediately to provide any care needed to safeguard your student's physical and mental health in a comfortable, adult-supervised location off-campus.


Coverage for Students

A group membership option for Schools

  • Coverage for ALL students (or groups of 10+)
  • Medical or Mental Health Emergency
  • "Anonymous" Coverage
  • Billing Flexibility
  • 100% Service Guarantee
  • Immediate Pick Up
  • Access Services online 24/7
  • Manage Risk

Start Your Membership

100% Reliable Support, Available 24/7
